Monday, April 7, 2008

The Second Poem I have Written of My Own Free Will. "The Crash" is Something out of *The Barbarian Way* by Erwin McManus



The Crash

What do I do with them Lord?
Stuff them?
Share them?
You know me, I can't ignore them.

Lead me,
My King
In Your Adventure


michel saunders said...

WOW! Poetry is sooo lost on me! I want to love it because it seems so deep and romantic but I am lost!

Andresa said...

Did you write Longings? I love that!!

Tawny said...

I don't usually "get" poetry either, this one just kind of fell out of me. :)

I have no idea if it is good or not, but it made me feel better.

Elaine said...

I love it! Very neat. Can you email me your email address and phone number when you get a chance? THank you!!

Krissi said...

Hey Lady,
Loved the poem. I am jealous that now you get to do moving poetry as well as all the other cool things the Lord has been giving you. :) Best keep blogging so He can use this to work out my jealousy issues. :)