Do you ever have days when you really, really long for Heaven? I had a dream last night. In my dream I had something I have longed for, for a very long time.
And then I woke up.
When I was crying on my couch with the covers over my head, I realized what I really want is not what I dreamed about. I am longing to be with my Jesus. To see His face, His smile. To be able to touch Him. To sit under a big tree with Him and have Him teach me everything about Himself that He wants to reveal. To run with Him. Not jogging, but crazy, through bushes and over creeks, smiling like crazy. To be completely whole and healed, completed by who He is.
I don't want to wait another 36 years. But I must trust His timing. And I must learn to be more faithful with what He has given me here on Earth. And I must let Him satisfy me through the Spirit because that is real, I need to learn to meet Him in that way better and more often.
What do you want to do with Him in Heaven?
First, I want Him to hold me while I cry uncontrollably because this painful life here on earth will be DONE, and the joy of heaven will be too overwhelming...then I want Him to sit on the front porch of my log home....sipping the best coffee ever and just chatting it up....of course all this is what my finite, earthly mind can think of, I imagine when we get there...these sorts of things may seem trivial to us compared to what we can really do and will be doing. ahhh...heaven
I believe it is fine with Him if we want to do ordinary things with Him. I LOVE that He cooked the disciples breakfast, AFTER he had His resurrection body. :)
That song comes to mind, "I can only imagine what it will be like..." I feel alot like Andresa in that I just want Him to hold me for a long while, to have Him look me in the eyes and tell me everything is alright.
Then I picture taking long walks with Him asking Him questions.
I'd love to sing with Him.
I wonder if so much crying is involved for men? Because that is what I was doing this morning too. *Sigh* is righ!
I was thinking about this more on my way home and I realized, it is not LIFE that makes us need to cry uncontrollably, it is the ravages of sin.
And that is why He hates sin so much.
It's hard to grasp how pure His heart is, isn't it? How much He loves us. It is for me anyway.
Hey Tawny, I can't wait until you hear the download for 05/10. I actually kept hitting replay to just hear it again. Cried like a big baby.....
He could come back at any time!!! butter churn dance :D so ready!!!
Anni, I felt better all night, thinking about your comment. About Him coming soon AND you and your butter churn dance. :)
I have had moments like those where I feel so homesick, I can barely stand it. But then He enables me to keep going. But maybe we can experience more of Him now, before heaven, and know Him more now. Even just a little more of Him would be completely amazing to us! Blessings, Jenny
Yes, Jenny I call these days my "missing God" days. But I am very thankful that I love Him enough to long for Him now, instead of just fearing Him. XO
I want to just look at Him. To be able to see Him face to face will be something that will take up many years of my eternity with Him. Then I want to look at Hands, for my name is written on His palms-Isaiah 49:16. Then I want to walk with Him, for the first time physically. Then I want to lay under a tree, made just for me, and talk about all the things He saw while on earth, and all the thoughts He had of us. Then I think I want to listen to some 80's music and dance it up with the King of the Universe! :) Just being able to hear Him say "Well done, good and faithful daughter of mine" would be enough. I would be set for all eternity.
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