Friday, March 20, 2009


Ugg, I am having bad dreams again. I do this sometimes when I am stressed out. (Retreat time) Last night I dreamed my sister and I were fighting so much I moved to Washington, to live with my Grandma who passed away a year ago. (That's dreams for ya) The night before I dreamt that I was going to have another baby. That might not sound like a nightmare, but for me, it is. :)

So, anyone feel like discussing dreams? What do you think causes them?


Anonymous said...

Well, CAUSING them, who knows? Biblically God can speak to us in dreams, I have a couple that He has, but I have also had dreams where I was with my family (parents, sister and brother) and I realized I was possessed by a demon and I needed to get them to see that so they could pray for me, but I could not speak, and I remember vividly trying to pray out loud, calling out to Jesus, and I could say every word of the prayer but JESUS, it was HORRIBLE!! Then I wake up and thank the Lord, it was only a dream. I hate nightmares, maybe the devil brings them or means them for harm, (?) all I know, is that when I wake up, I get to call out to Jesus and trust Him more.

Tawny said...

I have had some dreams that I knew were from God and they were wonderful. Some, I also think were from the enemy. Some are just a hodge-podge of my experiences. HMMM...that is kinda like our thought life, huh? It could be God, it could be me, it could be the enemy...

Anonymous said...

I don't know what causes them either. I dream about being back in the Work all the time (almost a nightmare!) and about my mom. I never know how to interpret them. Wish I could.

Tawny said...

Yeah, it was kinda nice to see Gma in my dream last night. She was kinda sweeter than she was in real life though. :) Maybe that is how she is now.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I have really terrible nightmares. I really think it is an attack from the enemy. For me I really haven't ever had a significant good dream, so I guess they are just our brain going without any rhyme or reason. I know the Lord can give us dreams from time to time, but I haven't ever had that.

Tawny said...

Samantha, I hope you get to have a dream from Him sometime, it is so wonderful. I have had two really clear, powerful dreams like that and they have stayed with me ever since. I have had some smaller ones that I think might have been from Him, but they weren't as clear as the other two.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I have been having bad dreams lately too. Last night someone informed me my son had died only it was actually my friends son but in my dream he was mine. Wierd!!! Anyway, from all that I have read about dreams - love the subject - There are God Dreams, Satan Dreams, and our own imagination dreams. Just like our thoughts. The ones that have stuck with me after I wake up are the ones that I meditate on and ask God for interpretation. Its ssoooo cool when He gives that interpretation:) Anyway, I fully believe God uses that time to do His work too. There are verses for that but my husband is demanding dinner so I can't go there now:)

Anonymous said...

I hope you do get back to us! :)

Anonymous said...

unfortunately i don't sleep enough lately to dream LOL--seem to be up all the time--i was always told that dreams were usually something that you experienced or watched, etc throughout the day.

Anonymous said...

I hope you have some sweet dreams soon, Wendy! XO

Anonymous said...

There's a Mountain Dew commercial out right now that says bad dreams can be caused by cold air... Sleeping with your window open lately? : )

Soft drink commercials are an excellent source of factual information, you know!

mandy said...

I've always heard that it's our subconscious cleaning itself out. I think there's some truth to that...