Yesterday was a really nice day. It was my daughter's 10th Birthday. "Double Digits!," as she likes to say. I had a million things to do and I got them all done and I wasn't even worried about it. That was a wonderful new experience for me. Usually, even the thought of having lots to do overwhelms me. My favorite sort of day is the one in which there is nothing I have to do, but lots I can do if I want to, with lots of surprises throughout the day. Because if nothing actually happens, that is horrible too. I am not hard to please at all, am I? :)
I realized this morning that I don't ever need to be afraid I won't have enough time to do what God wants me to do every day. He is the Lord of Time, as well as everything else. I may not have enough time to do everything I want to do, but His will is more important to me than mine, finally, which is why the time thing is getting easier. I have had the hardest time :), trying to learn that my time is not my own. It feels nice to be loosening my grip on it a bit more.
Is there anything in your life that you have a hard time letting go of as your own?
happy belated birthday to your daughter--i think we all have things that it is hard to give to him--you certainly know i do (arrgghh)--all in his timing huh--i can just see Him saying and thinking--if she would have just gotten that a little sooner we wouldn't have to gone through all this FINALLY (at least him saying that to me LOL).--but then he also probably knows how long it is going to take me and is sitting there with his cup of coffe.
When my first son Thomas was 6 months old, his father abandoned us, which sent me into a tailspin of perhaps THE darkest time in my life. It was in that time that God really implanted in me Psalm 139. It literelly became "alive" in my life, in my soul, in ever fiber of my being. To know that the God who could destroy our enemy with just one blast of the breath of His nostril (a different Psalm) had complete knowledge of me, and a wonderful complete plan FOR me brought me such a peace that I was overwhelmed by His love. That being said, I am human, and I do have times that I realize I am hanging on to things in an effort to control, my marriage, or my "down" times...but then He gently reminds me that He is in control, not me, that HE sees the big picture, not me, and that the only requirement HE has for me, is to trust/have faith/obey Him, and ALL things will work out exactly how HE planned, and HIS plan is WWWAAAYYY better than I could ever plan on my own.
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