Saturday, March 14, 2009

Just wondering...

I am dreaming of daffodils and sunshine.

The magic of the seasons never gets old.

For me, anyway...

God is so creative and thoughtful.

Do we not realize how much He cares for us?


He does disguise His love for us sometimes, though.

Why, I wonder?

I was reading through the red parts of Mark this morning. I noticed twice Jesus told the disciples that they didn't understand something because of their "hard hearts". I thought that was kinda strange, that faith had to do with the hardness or softness of our hearts.

I prayed that He would give me a softer heart, so I could have more faith in Him. A soft heart sounds a little scary though. Kinda like asking for a weak heart. It feels like I am asking to suffer. A hard heart feels stronger, but I wonder, is a heart that is strong enough to be soft, actually the strongest kind?


Anonymous said...

sorry i haven't been over here commenting lately--i know what you mean about the "softer" and "harder" heart thing--honestly people tell me my heart is too soft half the time and that is why my feelings get hurt--i used to have such a soft heart--but then it got so hardened over the years--dont ever let that happen to you---blessings to you--

Anonymous said...

I hate praying prayers like this to be broken even though I know that is what HE is leading me too. So glad we are in this together, eh?

Tawny said...

Wendy, I don't expect you to always comment. I do like your comments though, so thank you.

Kristi, I love that we are in this together.


Anonymous said...

I agree with your first commenter...I have had times when I feel like my heart is hard...and honestly, it does not feel like strength to me, it feels more like emptiness to me, I think God makes it that way so we do not desire to stay in the hard heart, I would take a mushy soft heart any day of the week!!

Tawny said...

I used anger for years to make myself feel strong, so it is strange to be soft. I suppose it is partly our experiences and personalities and what feels most natural to us. :)