Friday, January 1, 2010

Practicing, Day 1

What a lovely morning. Other than my slight headache from staying up until 1:00 am. We just ate sausage and biscuits and my mom's fresh eggs. Oh and grapefruit and coffee and are getting ready to take a walk.

And nope, I did not check my emails when I got on the computer to write this. And it wasn't even hard. Of course, this is hour two, of day one, so I am assuming it will get much harder.

I read part of "The Life You've Always Wanted" by John Ortberg this morning. I thought I had read it, but if I did, it must not have been the right time, because I am LOVING it now and I don't even remember it from before.

Anyway, there were a couple things I found very encouraging because I am not a very disciplined person by nature. First off, he said Abraham Lincoln was "notoriously disorganized." Abe had a file in his law office labeled"If you can't find it anywhere else, try looking here." I put a smiley face by that!

Then John wrote this, "A disciplined follower of Jesus-a "disciple"- is not someone who has "mastered the disciplines" and never misses a daily regimen of spiritual exercises. A disciplined follower of Jesus is someone who discerns when laughter, gentleness, silence, healing words, or prophetic indignation is called for, and offers it promptly, effectively, and lovingly."

I can be excited about that!


Anonymous said...

Tawny, as usual, I have enjoyed your writing. It usually makes me smile, or chuckle and I definitely relate. I wish you luck on your monthly journey. In December I set out on a 30 day worship journey, where I was going to concentrate on a characteristic of God each day. I am sad to say I only made it two days before life drug me away. I will start again, and pray for more success! Keep it up, Gina Thomson

Tawny said...

Hi Gina! Thank you for your comment, I am happy to know you are enjoying my blog. I will pray for you too. I like your idea, I may have to work that into one of my months! XO