Wednesday, September 9, 2009


So, I just read this book called "Wild Goose Chase". I really liked it. But at the end he challenged us to have goals and I am wrestling with that. I used to have lots of goals. The ones that didn't happen frustrated me and the ones that did, would have happened whether I planned for them or not. I just tended to think I got some credit since I met the goal. I have pretty much decided to do my best to follow the Spirit each day and see what God does. That has been way more fun and much more satisfying. Am I missing out by not having goals? My only goal now is to please God and figure out what love is and how to do it. And that will cover about the next 80 years and then I don't have to try and sort this stuff out anymore. Hmm...


Unknown said...

What kind of goals was he suggesting?

Tawny said...

It was cool. Pray and write out the life vision you think God has for you. All the stuff you want to do before you die, that sort of stuff.

Unknown said...

ooooo, that might be the number one on my 'action' list today:0)

Tawny said...

It is fun to think about all the possiblities, huh? :)

I think it is more of a distraction than a help to me though. I gotta figure out how to get through today first.

Andresa said...

Life is soooo unpredictable, I don't know if I could set any other goal than to live this one day to the best of my ability, completely enveloped in HIM...the bible says not to worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow had enough worries of it's own, so, I take God at His word, and just deal with today. Life is much simpler that way.

Tawny said...

I agree with you, Andresa, but the Bible also says "Without vision, the people perish" Do you think vision is different than goals?

Julene said...

Good question! I think vision is being able to see God's kingdom & having hope of salvation. Lets face it, our ultimate 'goal' is to know Jesus fully, as we are fully known :0)

Tawny said...

I was thinking along those lines as well. For me, it is far more exciting and right to have a vision of God's Kingdom and what He is doing during our time in history. And to be fair, I think the author was having us think about the part God wants us to play in that. That intimidates me too much though. I would rather just have a vision of God's Kingdom and have Him lead me into the place He has for me. Don't know if that makes any sense.

Andresa said...

I agree with both of you...don't you think if we have no "vision" of our future hope of the kingdom, we would perish with what we have to "deal" with here on earth? My vision of glory keeps that hope alive in my that the things we go through day to day are worth every moment for what will come for all of us who chose Christ.