Thursday, March 27, 2008


Ok, this blogging stuff is weird. Some people seem to write to interact and some people write just to write. Is that right?

Sorry, couldn't resist. :)

I am going to check and see if my husband is really reading my blog, because he told me he would.....(he is working swing shift this week)

So last night I stayed up way to late, on the computer of course. It was 11:00 and I usually go to bed at 9:00. When I was about to fall off my chair or throw up, one or the other, I stumbled to bed. And my dog had pooped ON THE BED. The bed wasn't made. It was on my husbands side. But it was down towards the bottom and very solid (there wasn't even that oily stuff that is sometimes left behind when you carefully pick it up and flush it down the toilet) and we had just put fresh sheets on 2 days before.

Those of you who know me well can guess what I did or did not do. :)

Did I mention I hate changing sheets by myself????

**Update: I was feeling guilty and wanted Jason to change our sheets so I told him "You better read my blog". I was a little nervous but he laughed so I am alright. And he did change the sheets. He probably will get me back later though. I will tell you about it if I can. ;)


Elaine said...

I'm laughing cause I know I would have done what you did!

Andresa said...

Amen!! As sad as it is to say, I would probably have done the same thing!! Much to my husbands dismay!!

Angie said...

Too funny. I bet he wishes he read your blog a lot sooner! =)

Anonymous said...

All I gotta say is"Eeeewwwwwwwwww!" No dogs in my house, I couldn't stand it. :D

Tawny said...

ugghh! That's ok, I'll get her back! :P


Anonymous said...

Hahaha...and you'll be sure to tell us when you do?