I have been reading some books on spiritual disciplines recently and I am very intrigued. I have decided to focus on a different discipline each month in 2010. I am very excited about it actually. I chose disciplines that I would like to make part of my everyday life anyway. Some of them I already do, but I will try to make them more intense or different during the month I focus on that discipline. I figure since I lived through 2009 (it was a very hard year for me) I can pretty much do anything, through Christ. Oh, yeah, the Bible mentions something like that, huh? :)
In January, I am going to practice silence. Internet silence, to be specific. Only when I am at home though. I need to check my emails at work but I am feeling like that is the noisiest part of my internal life at home. Not to mention my favorite way of wasting time. I would LOVE to add TV silence, but that won't go well with submitting to my husband's desires. :)
So, if I don't immediately get back to you when you email me, you will know why. I will still blog, I just won't be able to check my comments...
And I am PRACTICING, so if I fail, I will just get back up and start over. It will not be the end of the world and it won't mean I am a complete and utter failure. That is why this can be fun instead of extreme torment and torture.
Since this is New Years Eve, you still have today to check your messages, right?
I think your idea is COOL. What a great idea. I know this January one will be costly for you. Share with us what you felt you learned the most during the silence. Can't wait to hear.
Yep, I am going to be on the computer as much as possible today! :)
Jason says he senses an epic fail coming on about this venture of mine. :) We'll see.
I will blog about this for sure. Hopefully I won't just be whining and complaining. :)
I am excited for you! I guess we are doing something similar, I canceled our TV starting Jan. Mike wanted to see the games on the 1st and then its gone!! I am very happy, he is unsure but agreeable.
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