Thursday, February 12, 2009


What is it, really?

Me talking?

God talking?


Longings revealed...

Mine or His?


A blending of spirits.

Mine and His.

How amazing,

He wants that more than I do.

To be part of me.

May we hold nothing back from Him.


Anonymous said...

very well put tawny--i think that is an awesome definition of what prayer is

Tawny said...

Wendy, thank you so much for your comments. I love comments and don't get very many of them anymore. :)

Anonymous said...

Nice new set up:) I like this post, I am trying to figuer out where I heard this recently (maybe it was church) that prayer is communion with God, talking with one another, not us talking to God. I like that:)

Anonymous said...

Jackie talked about that at Cravings, but I don't think you were there...

Anonymous said...

Many times, to me, prayer with God always reminds me of the pillow talk one would have with their spouse. An intimate sharing time. :)

Tawny said...

That remindes me of something I read last night from CS Lewis. "The intimacy between God and even the meanest creature is closer than any that creatures can attain with one another." I am going to put some more quotes on my blog from this book, when I get around to it. I think. :)

Anonymous said...

Why do I consistently do that? Hold back? Grrrr.