Saturday, June 27, 2009

Time alone is GOOD

I had my first personal retreat day yesterday and I want to share it. I didn't think much amazing happened, but I woke up feeling so light-hearted this morning. I had been very anxious again lately but didn't realize it until it went away. Whew!

I can see where planning would have made my day go smoother. I got to the river, almost fell about three time finding a good spot to sit and realized I needed to go to the bathroom. So, I drove to that little park in Rogue River where I knew there was a bathroom and hung out with the ducks most of the day and tried to ignore all the traffic. I didn't realize Rogue River was such a busy little town!

I didn't feel like I got any new revelations but that God reminded me of things He has taught me before.

1. It's all about Him.
2. It's all about Love.
3. He is Love.

I finished that book, "Soul Talk" by Larry Crabb that I liked so much and I think every Christian in America should have to read it once. Here is a quote by Augustine that was in it, "There can be only two basic loves, the love of God unto the forgetfulness of self, or the love of self unto the forgetfulness of God.

Was it also Augustine that said, "Love God and do what you want."? I love the freedom that God gives us. I hope we use it to choose Him more and more.

And now I have 10 posts for June :)


Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing, I really want to read that book!

Marnie said...

I so enjoyed your message...your words of inspiration! You are always a blessing.

Water for the Panting Deer said...

You are so right. The Christian life is really so simple when we distill it down to love.

BTW, I "love" your cherries-and-denim look!

~ Cyndi
God Nuggets Blog

Anonymous said...

Hi Tawny :) I just came across the book you mention here last week, and got so much out of the parts I read from it!
That's so good you were able to take some time away with God! May He continue to shower you with His grace and peace during this busy time. Lots of blessings xo

Tawny said...

You guys are so sweet, thank you!

Anonymous said...

I have heard a handful of people talk about that book. I miss you. I wish we could go to the river (ocean) together and talk and pray. yeah...that would be awesome. Today, that would be really awesome. Okay then.

Unknown said...

I like your new fall theme:0)