Sunday, April 26, 2009

Help me, LORD!

I would say, "Oh My Goodness, I am cranky today!" Except I don't have any goodness to talk about. I have not felt like this in months. (I think I always say that though) And of course, tonight is The Gathering which we do 3 or 4 times a year so people can get to know us. I suppose I should not say, "Hi, My name is Tawny and I am extremely cranky and I want to be in bed with the covers over my head feeling sorry for myself right now." Tom's sermon this weekend did talk about being authentic though. :)

I am sure I will feel better tomorrow. How are you?


Water for the Panting Deer said...

Boy can I relate to THAT feeling! lol Thanks for being "authentic"!

God Nuggets Blog

Anni Jones Photography said...

tee hee....I love you Tawny.
I am so thankful God gave us to each other as friends :) You are the real thing!!(authentic)
oxox Anni

Andresa said...

woohoo!! you sound like me lately!! Lord bless you!

Anonymous said...

hey "cranky" this is "grumpy" hee hee--hope things turned out well for you this evening--and you have a great week.

Tawny said...

Thanks guys, you made me feel better. :) Now I just have to live through going to the dentist this afternoon and I should make it. :)

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel! I pray that God will wrap you up in His arms and give you peace and reveal His great love for you. :) Love, Jenny

Water for the Panting Deer said...

Hello! I have a Friendship Award for you on my blog!
