Monday, March 23, 2009

Called to Love

We were talking Saturday in my prayer group about our callings. We all prayed about it together and now I am feeling "smote to the heart". God has been reminding me today that as a Christian, my greatest calling is to love. God and every person He puts in my life. I don't know if I have much business worrying about any other calling right now. Especially if it makes me forget about this first calling. And I can't do anything right or well for God if I haven't learned to love, at least a little, first. So, I guess until I have learned to love until it hurts and rejoice in Him while I am doing it, I needn't be so worried about any other role I will play in God's kingdom. Does anyone else have a hard time remembering it's all about love, or is it just me?


Anonymous said...

I love that you said your GREATEST calling is to love! I want that to be my grandeous calling too:0)

Andresa said...

One year for our retreat we did a Beth Moore study called Loving Well. I find myself reflecting on it from time to time, especially becuase she breaks it up in catergories of what kind of people there are...for example, people who are a joy to of the groups of people are "testy" people..I had to laugh hard because at the time we had a group of testy people we were "loving"...well, she said, testy people are the people that we say "I don't know what it is, but that person just brings out the worse in me!" and that is exactly God's point...God wants to use them to bring the worse up and out of us. Sometimes when my feelings are hurt, I have to really remember that agopy love means you love a person NO MATTER WHAT and expect NOTHING in return...that always helps me lose my selfish feelings, and pray for and love all.

Water for the Panting Deer said...

Absolutely! I believe it is our lifelong greatest challenge. I am always tempted to put tasks before relationships ... a type of insanity, really, when I know God's first priority is love.
Thanks for this post!